About Us
As you have come to this page, we understand you are interested in knowing more about us.
Well, We are a part of Beads Kart (Our parent company).
Shree Natarajan is dedicated to provide best class musical Anklets and bells which is also well known as Bharatanatyam Ghungroo/ Kathak Ghungroo to overall India and around the Globe. We at Shree Natarajan are focused to provide best quality Dancing Ghunghroos at an affordable prices.
Shree Natarajan had a vision of providing dancing ghunghroos available easily and at one place to anyone in India and around the world.
Our product ranges includes from low to high ranges for different dancing styles. Bharatnatyam, Kathak and classical dance ghunghroos are procured and sold at one platform.
Call us for the feedback or queries. And let us join our hands to be a part of this evolving Journey together.